Saturday, March 13, 2010

Some numbers to consider...

Imagine what the world headlines would be if everyday, a passenger aircraft went down somewhere in the world that killed 90 people. The demands by the public for improvements in air safety would be overwhelming. Local, state, national governments and the UN would be demanding that something would be done about air traffic safety. Private and public resources would be poured into identifying the problems and working towards solutions to help prevent this ongoing tragedy.

In 2009 there were 685 people killed in passenger aircraft crashes world wide, less than 2 per day.

This week the Federal Department of Transportation posted the traffic deaths for 2009. There were 33963 deaths in car crashes last year. It was pointed out that this is the lowest death total since 1954. The reasons for the decline were given as the increase use of seat belts by drivers, now estimated to be 84% nationwide, technology improvements, to include electronic stability control and side impact airbags and the decline in the miles driven due to a sluggish economy. Doing the math, 93 drivers killed on our roads everyday. We have made great improvement but we have a long way to go.

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